
Minecraft plugins iconomy
Minecraft plugins iconomy

minecraft plugins iconomy

"%prefix% &5%player% &cdoesn't have an account!" Pourtant je pense avoir configur le fichier correctement. "%prefix% &aYour balance is &e%balance%&a." Bonsoir, Comme dit dans le titre, je ne reois aucun intrt venant du plugin Iconomy. "%prefix% &cYou don't have an account!" "%prefix% &cOnly players can run that command!" "%prefix% &4You don't have permissions to do that!" for k, the amount is multiplied by 10^3 (1,000) It’s noted to be a user-friendly in-game world editor created especially for Minecraft. # The custom symbol may need to be in unicode format (e.g. Our first gem to be unearthed here is WorldEdit. # Note: The custom symbol may not work if minecraft doesn't allow that symbol.


All the plugins and side mods must be compatible with Minecraft version 1.12.2, previous versions will. Be sure to restart the server for the changes to take effect. If using the Plugin Manager, be sure to change the plugin engine to SpongeForge in the top left corner. # Changing the locale will change wht format the money is in, see Once its installed, upload all plugins as well as mods to the mods folder. # All intervals are in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)

  • Note: reload command will not reload the MySQL database, server restart is required for that.
  • This plugin has support for placeholders through the PlaceholderAPI plugin's Vault placeholders and can be setup by following these instructions. This plugin requires Vault and will not be able to run without it. A simple and lightweight economy plugin that supports saving player data locally and to MySQL databases, and also has completely custom messages with no branding of the plugin's name.

    Minecraft plugins iconomy